Sarnia Christian School is a charitable organization which receives no government funding for the education services we provide. Therefore, we rely on the financial support and generosity of our families and community who have made it possible for our students to receive a Christian education. Donation receipts will be issued in March for all eligible funds received during the previous calendar year.
Ways to Donate Online
The quickest and easiest way to make a donation to Sarnia Christian School is through the secure online donation form via The Christian School Foundation. By Mail Send your cheque to Sarnia Christian School, 1273 Exmouth Street, Sarnia, ON N7S 1W9 Visit Us We are always happy to see parents and friends at the school. Please come for a visit and give your donation in person. We would love to see you. Volunteering As a school built on and relying on the support from our community, there are many opportunities for you to participate in the growth of students at Sarnia Christian School. Whether in our school or at one of our many popular fundraising activities, your talents are most welcome! Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (TRIP) TRIP is an important fundraiser at Sarnia Christian School that runs during the school year. All parents are expected to participate, and extended family and friends are also encouraged to use it. This is a gift certificate purchasing program in which the school can raise money, at no cost to yourself. Gift certificates are purchased in bulk, and in return, the school earns a percentage of the face value of the gift certificates. The school keeps 60% of this as revenue and gives 40% back to the individual family in the form of a tuition reduction.

Golf Tournament

If you love golf and supporting Sarnia Christian School, you are going to have a great time at our annual golf tournament.


This fantastic 18-hole event is held at Kingswell Glen in Petrolia in late spring.
